So I think I’m just going to stop apologising for not posting often, because as everyone knows and human nature would have it, procrastination is inevitable and it will strike at the most inopportune moments.

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I have successfully cleaned my room, cleared my desk, organised my bookshelf (as well as I can) and basically done everything else  other than the essay I have due soon. I’ve even done my notes, and other assignments before it because essays just take too long and too much effort to do. I know this is a terrible habit, and maybe it’s one that I’ve continued on from High School English, but me and essays just do not work out. It’s a one way relationship. Me being the one who puts all the effort in and receives nothing, except maybe being left with the satisfaction that once it’s done I never have to worry/talk about it again.

I know essays are meant to have critical analysis which isn’t too hard  to achieve as long as you support your arguments, so I don’t see why they’re so hard to start. I keep hoping that I will be struck with inspiration and I’ll be able to write it all in one go. Then editing and footnoot-ing and bibliography-ing will come easily.

But why is it that starting is always the struggle? And it’s not just essays that this trait pertains to. It’s there when you’re trying to start a new routine (eating healthier or exercising for me at least), it’s there when you’re trying to start getting out of bed and ready for work, it’s there when you know there’s something better and more interesting to do.

I think it all comes down to how we’re feeling in the moment. For example you might be super pumped and ready to start and you’ll do it and everything works out nice and dandy. Then you have those moments where sleeping or eating or reading the ‘terms and conditions’ of that new program you downloaded just seem more worth your time. Unfortunately this is me 90% of the time. Hi my name is Jessica and I suffer from chronic procrastination.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I achieve so much when I procrastinate, like doing things I’ve been putting off because it wasn’t the right time then. But even I know this is a habit I will have to change. I want to turn that 90% to 10%. Because realistically, no one is never going to not procrastinate HAHA

So here’s my plan: I’m going to write out realistic tasks for myself to do each morning for the day ahead. I’m going to make sure I only focus on that one task during the time I’ve allocated for it and close any unnecessary tabs on my browser if I’m working on my laptop. I’m going to situate myself in a quiet area where I won’t be disturbed or distracted. I’m going to position myself as far away from my phone and the FRIDGE as possible (but give myself little breaks too, like a stretch or making a smoothie). And I’m going to pray. I’m going to pray a short prayer to God to give me strength to complete the task at hand and to stay focused.

I know it’s not going to be easy to change my ways, but I know it will never get easier unless I start small and I start now. These are healthy habits I want to develop and carry with me through my life, especially since I plan to move out at the end of my degree. So hopefully you’ll see an update from me sooner rather than later… Because that will mean I’m still procrastinating from this essay HAHA just kidding! It’ll be because I’ve sorted out my priorities and I know how my time should be dedicated to certain tasks. And to finish this Midnight Musing for tonight, here’s some inspirational words spoken by the wise man Shia LaBeouf himself, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams” “yesterday you said today” so  now I guess I have no choice but to “JUST DO IT!”

sign off