My Balayage Experience

Hello friends! So I finally got my hair done and I thought I’d share my experience with you!


For a while now, I’ve wanted to colour my hair, specifically to ombre/balayage it. I had a faint idea of what I wanted which was to colour the ends of my hair an ashy blonde or light brown. As it was my first time dying my hair I didn’t know what to expect or what I needed to ask for in detail. So it definitely helped that the hairstylist I had was patient with all my questions and took the time to explain everything for a first timer like me.

The appointment started at around 12:30pm and lasted 2.5hours (which is what you would expect from a colouring appointment such as this). I showed my hairdresser photos of what style and colour I was after and she immediately went to mix the right colours for me to get my dark brown hair ‘lifted’ for an easier colouring application.

The first thing they will do is bleach your hair. My hairdresser asked me whether I wanted to bleach the entirety of my hair ends or to mix it with my natural hair, to which I asked for them to mix it with my natural hair as I didn’t want to do anything too drastic my first time. I also kept the top part of my hair with its natural colour so I didn’t damage it too much with a full head bleaching. It should be noted that each stylist will balayage differently so don’t worry if the YouTube tutorials you’ve been watching don’t follow the same method as the stylist you get. What my stylist did was separate my hair into sections and bleached smaller parts and folded it with foil. This was kept in my hair for about 20 minutes.

Next, the bleach was washed out to reveal a bright yellow colour (note that this is what should happen according to my hairstylist). After washing the bleach out, a toner is added which is what will give your bleached hair the colour you want. I did ask how this was different from normal hair dyes you may buy at the supermarket and the difference is that hair dyes can change your natural hair colour while toners will only change your bleached hair colour. However, like hair dyes, toners will fade over time, at which you may want to re-tone your hair or go for a completely different style. At this point, I was asked if I wanted a really blonde colour (like in the photo I showed her) or a darker blonde colour. I wanted a blonder colour but my hairdresser assured me that having a darker colour would mean that after a few washes it would become lighter and that it was more worth it starting off with a darker colour.  So that is what I went with.

After the toning, my hair was shampooed with a nutrient-rich shampoo that was specific for coloured/damaged hair. I can say that with this shampoo, my hair has felt silky smooth for the past few days without any feeling of damage from the bleach.

My hair was then cut (which for me meant a little trim to get rid of split ends) and then blow-dried. My hairstylist then styled my hair into curls before revealing the final product after 2.5hrs of work. I have to say I am quite pleased with the result, but I wish the colour was a bit more noticeable in photos haha. But I guess that also depends on lighting.

Right now I’m just waiting for my coloured hair to lighten up a bit. But it’s still at a very natural and subtle stage which I don’t mind. Next time, I may re-tone my hair a brighter blonde or a lighter brown so it is more noticeable. Or if I’m feeling confident, I may even bleach my own hair and save a bit of money haha.

So that’s my update. Let me know if you’ve recently had your hair done (if it was self-done or at a salon), was it what you were expecting or if there is anything you would change?


you can see the different coloured strands at the top of my head


looks more brown than blonde in this light hmm

sign off


Hello friends, wow has it been a while! And seeing as the new year is just around the corner, I thought it would be appropriate that I’d do a little review of the second half of the year, and take some time to reflect on the year that has been 2015.


hello, it’s me

For starters, I have now officially finished the first year of my university degree! Only 4 more years to go!! Honestly when I started uni this year, I was nervous – about making new friends, fitting in, worrying about whether my degree was what I actually wanted to do – and at the same time I was excited – to start living my life and experiencing everything that uni has to offer. And boy did this year not only exceed expectations, but it allowed me to realise that everything I’ve done so far has been part of what I like to call … THE UNI EXPERIENCE *cue bright lights and ethereal music*

Let’s go back to the beginning of the year when I went to the orientation camps for both the business part of my degree and the law part of my degree. This was where I had my first experience with alcohol and also where I made some good friends who I’m pretty sure I would never have met otherwise. Speaking of which, I recently went on a trip with my law group of friends to Terrigal for three days and two nights where there was (you guessed it) more alcohol and chill times. I didn’t go away for schoolies (a week after final yr 12 exams end and before results come out), so before going on this trip I was very excited. And honestly I had the best three days that I could have asked for! (Check out my more detailed report of the trip here).

Continuing on with uni, if you remember back to my TOO LONG (A ‘REVIEW’ OF MY FIRST SEMESTER AT UNIVERSITY) post I mentioned that by the end of this year I would have “joined and actively participated in a society I am passionate about” and would have achieved a “more positive, confident outlook on my university life”. I am glad to say that I have made this happen! I became more active in a society called the Catholic Asian Students’ Society (CASS), where I am currently the Treasurer at my uni. I am so happy that I joined this society because it’s not just a society, but it’s really a family with branches across the four main uni’s in Sydney. I have gotten a lot closer to my faith as well and am eager to learn more next year. The friend’s I have made through CASS are also people who are genuinely amazing with so much love and faith to share. Recently at the annual Christmas party (which happened to fall on my birthday) they surprised me with a birthday cake which I was not expecting! It was a small gesture but I really felt so loved and that I was finally in a great place with my university life.


Enlarge the photo for the Christmas puns!


Apparently I was only turning 1 HAHA

The second half of this year also saw me getting more involved with food, so much so that I went to an INSTAFOODIE Event specifically for enthusiastic foodies from the Instagram community. We went to One Tea Lounge and Grill located on York St near Wynyard Station for a night of fire, ice and delicious food! Check out my Instagram here for pics of the food from the night. Also this year, I went to the Night Noodle Markets for the first time. I have to say, being at uni in the city definitely makes it easier to stay back after classes to meet up with people and head off to events such as this one. There were so many different styles of food available (all with an Asian flavour) that I managed to go three times! In fact this is where I was introduced to One Tea Lounge’s featured Ramen Burger Sliders and their famous Ice Cream Baogers *omnomnom* A particular story pops to mind with this event. So on one of the nights when I went with a friend, we decided to go for some drinks afterwards. And to our surprise we were chatted up by a couple of guys HAHAHA it was legit one of the funniest experiences for both of us!

Continuing with the ‘new experiences’ topic, I finally got around to getting my Provisional Driver’s Licence this year! I think I spent about two years as a Learner (meaning I had to drive with a fully licensed driver beside me at all times), so having that freedom to drive whenever and wherever I wanted was both exciting and scary. But now I love the independence I get from driving without bothering my parents to pick me up and having the ability to go to work without having to take public transport. Speaking of work, this year was also the first year I started working. Not only have I developed stronger conversational skills with customers but that feeling of earning my own money feels great!

One last thing that I had the opportunity to do was attend a BIGBANG concert in Sydney!!! My word, I remember my friend introducing me to K-pop (Korean Pop) almost five years ago and I remember being so hesitant to like it. But now I have a deeper appreciation for it than I thought would be possible. BIGBANG was one of the first groups I listened to and all their songs are amazing. They are very creative with their sound and also self-produce most of their songs which is no small feat. I also remember telling my friend that if they ever came to Sydney I would be going no matter the price, day, time, year, anything! And I am soo happy that they did come Down Under. They really know how to put on a show and I enjoyed every last minute of it! (They’re more beautiful in real life I swear… and their voices ermahgosh it’s like they swallowed their CD!) Can’t wait for the day that I can travel to South Korea and watch them perform live again (and also to see my other favourite groups and try authentic Korean cuisine :)) Check out some of my fancams here, here and here.

So as Christmas draws near, and New Year’s soon after, I have another message for myself… take care of yourself and enjoy everything. Do the things you’re passionate about because that way you’ll be able to enjoy it more, get the most out of it and not waste your time. Don’t get caught up in the ‘what-ifs’ and the ‘maybes’, just do it! Never think that you’re alone, and don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you need it. I have a good feeling about 2016, so let’s get out there and make it the best year yet!

sign off

Newtown Jammin’

A chilled and relaxed environment, colourful street art in the background, guitar in hand and a voice full of soul. Where am I?

151-2 Last week, a few friends and I took a trip to Newtown, a quaint suburb in Sydney known for its ‘hipster’ feel and an atmosphere that is completely inviting and comfortable to be in. Yes to positive vibes! Many of the buildings reign from the late Victorian and Federation period of Australia and still maintains its classic style. But of course, if you were to walk along the street today you won’t just encounter old buildings, instead you’ll come across skillfully drawn works of art on walls, some hidden in alleyways that are an explorer’s dream.

We had lunch in one of the cafe’s tucked away into the corner of one of these alleyways then headed off to find a ‘quiet’ place for us to bring out the guitar, rock out some solid harmonies and just jam. Of course, ‘quiet’ wasn’t quite what the place was, what with cars passing by every five minutes. But nevertheless we persevered, and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon singing amongst ourselves with little care in the world.

And it was great! The people passing by didn’t give us any disapproving looks as if to say ‘what are these delinquent children doing sitting on the side of the road?’ but it was as if they were enthralled and enjoyed what we were playing for them. It was as if they were used to this, and that it happened everyday. We ended our jam session with brownies, coffees and hot chocoloate. The perfect way to end a perfect day.

Suffice to say, I’m loving Newtown and for sure I will be returning for more!

Multi-purpose outfit for this adventure of a day included a blue chambray shirt under a grey cable knit turtle neck, black skinny jeans and of course my favourite white converse for a laid back, relaxed look to fit the hipster vibes ✌


“If you’re ever in one of those moods, where you feel like you need to get away, just think back to the good times, when there was laughter and smiles. Find your happy place and you’ll be good again.”sign off

Too Long (A ‘Review’ of My First Semester at University)

I know, and you know, that it has been too long since I last posted here. And for that reason, I am very sorry!


The first semester of university has finally finished and I can say I have successfully ‘survived’ the trials and tribulations of familiarising myself with the quickest route to get from the station to my lecture, where the ‘cool’ places are to hang out and grab food during the breaks between classes, how to make friends again and keeping up with homework and assignments without the constant reminders that I was given back in high school.

Some say making the transition from high school to uni is not only hard but a major change. You’re no longer pampered with the luxury of having teachers who care about your personal development or have the time to personally review any work you want feedback on. It’s not hard to imagine why this would be the case though, what with a cohort (especially in my business cohort) that is more than 10 times the size of my year 12 grade, I would be lucky if my tutor remembered I was actually enrolled in their class! Along with the different teaching styles, I think it’s worth mentioning the work load here at uni compared to the final year of high school. I wouldn’t say that it’s all that different (in my perspective). You have your weekly classes, you have your homework that you’re expected to do for the tutorials and you have lectures that you can choose to attend or view online (if you’re lucky). The effort to stay on top of everything has stayed the same, but the level of enthusiasm and motivation to do the work has certainly changed if you’re doing a degree that you specifically chose and are actually excited about doing.

I loved learning about business processes and the business environment during my HSC (final year of high school), so naturally I have been loving the business half of my degree. The law part of my degree is another story. Maybe the reason is because I started my Foundations of Law subject without knowing anyone in my class and having a tutor that didn’t really captivate me. It’s also not set out as your typical lecture and tutorial session for a subject, rather it was a twice-a-week discussion class that required active participation. I was very out of my depth entering into the subject, having no prior knowledge about the legal system (except where it applied to businesses) and little to no interest in the law in general. As the semester progressed, I realised that I was prioritising my business subjects over my one law subject and that I was only looking for a credit whereas my business subjects I was certainly aiming for a distinction or higher. That’s another thing I want to point out. Coming from a high school that emphasised the importance of striving to do your best both academically and character wise, entering into an environment where most of the students were only aiming for passes definitely threw me off. I personally set myself high goals and learning how to improve to get those high marks is what drives me. But of course there are times when all you can do is hope you’ve done the best you can. Even if that best is just a pass. That is how I felt with Foundations. I wasn’t interested in what I was learning. And I could tell there was a very obvious difference between my friends who were passionate about the law and pursuing a career down that path, and me who was more passionate about entering into a corporate job, with my blazer and pencil skirt, financial reports at the ready. But hopefully my interest can be piqued in someway as I continue on with my subjects.

Aside from the academic point of view, university has been a lot about opening myself to new experiences such as getting involved with orientation camps, drinking for the first time, partying, making new friends and learning to be somewhat independent. I realise now that I’m more inclined to stay out, get my work done at uni, catch up with friends over lunch and eat dinner rather than come back home straight away like I did during high school. While this is all fun, it is also a bit draining, what with living close to an hour away from the city. However, it does have its positives, I think an hour’s train trip isn’t too bad (on one straight train, gives me time to catch up on readings I should have done the night before).

But in saying the above activities, I’m not as social as I make myself seem to be. It takes time to develop a close bond with any one person, especially with people you’ve only known for a few months. Heck I can confidently say it took me a few solid years, random shenanigans in class and fun teasing to be as comfortable with my high school biffles as I am now *SHOUT OUT TO THE ALMIGHTY HIERARCHY* and I am eternally grateful for them because I know we’ll always have each other’s backs. But at uni, how does one even begin to form bonds as strong as that? Sure you make friends that you sit with in tutorials and lectures, but you only see them once a week. It seems like a strictly in-class friendship with nothing extending past the classroom. There is a need to put in extra effort to maintain any connection until you get to the point where you’re arranging classes together for the next semester, texting each other to go out on coffee runs. And I feel as if that is still a while away for me. In this situation, anyone would say to join a society you’re passionate about, you’ll be able to make a lot of new friends with similar interests as you in that way. And to that extent I can agree. But yet I feel as if the way I’m trying to make friends is forced. I’m not fully myself, I don’t really fit in. Not yet anyway. I’m finding it much harder to get involved here at uni than it was for me to get involved back in high school. Probably for the same reason that there’s less structure at uni, you go and find opportunities by yourself and you don’t have the constant support of teachers or friends helping you along the way.

Uni is what you make it. So this is a message to me, that by the end of next semester, I’ll be able to look back on this post and say hey, yes I had my doubts and my fears about getting involved and not yet finding the right group of people that I click with, but at least I tried my best. I will have joined and actively participated in a society I am passionate about and made new friends and a more positive, confident outlook on my university life. That is my plan, my goal, my vision. And I’m going to make it happen.

Ciao for now, new outfit posts coming real soon xxsign off

Stripes, Spots and Statement Necklaces

I am definitely an advocate for easy-to-wear, comfortable outfits that are both stylish  and modest. And if I can do a bit of mix and matching in the process, then all the better!
1-5 It’s been a while since I last posted here. Uni being the main cause of my absence. This post was actually meant to go up sometime last month (as you can probably tell by the bright shining sunlight which is so lacking in this Autumn season). But nevertheless, I have found some time to finally finish this post and share with you a new outfit!

It’s funny how before my Something Old, Something New post, I would never have thought to scour through the piles of clothes I have sitting in my wardrobe, other than to look for a particular top that I knew was there. So while attempting to do a bit of Spring cleaning and the seasonal transition into colder weather, I came upon this high-low skirt (with the tag still attached!) I bought this skirt a few years ago because it was on sale, and it came with a lovely teal belt (seen here) that I thought would be good to match with other outfits. The skirt on the other hand, seemed to be a bit more difficult to pair things with.

So I thought, if I’m going to wear this, I’m going to wear it with a striped top and a statement necklace to balance out the different patterns. And to my surprise, I think it worked! The key to my matching would have to be finding a common undertone throughout the three pieces, the obvious (and easiest) colour to match with was black. So now if someone told me I would be mixing more pieces together, I’ll be ready to pair it with anything, as long as there’s a common colour to get me started!



“Maybe if there are two of me, I’ll work twice as hard.”

sign off

The Floral Maxi

When I wear maxi dresses, I wear it with a side-split skirt so my legs don’t suffocate in the heat, and a bright display of floral colours, especially if I’m planning to dance the night away at a “Mexican Fiesta”!


I think there’s something quite romantic about wearing long, flowing maxi dresses, particularly if they are in floral prints and can be worn to compliment any summer/spring season. And this dress is no exception. Since my Formal at the end of last year, I’ve been intrigued by the many different cuts and styles of casual dresses, formal dresses, maxi’s, mini’s and basically anything that I can substitute with shorts for a more modest Sunday church look.

What I’ve been able to appreciate more recently, is just how easy it is to slip on a dress and be on my way, with there being less of a worry about matching a shirt with pants and shoes. Especially in the hotter seasons, wearing a flowing skirt rather than constricting pants is definitely an advantage for any person. And what I’ve come to like specifically, are dresses with slitted skirts that allow the fabric to easily move and create a refreshing air supply as you kick your legs forward.

Exhibit A: Take for instance this “Jarlo Millie High Neck Maxi Dress with Lace Insert” from ASOS which I wore for my Formal (the American equivalent of a Prom I would say). The light material, combined with the front slit, undoubtedly made it easier for me to dance in and move about, while at the same time allowing me to stay cool (by using one half of the skirt as a fan HEHE). I don’t know about you, but I’m sensing a recurring ‘floral flower’ theme happening here.

Exhibit B: If you are like me and love to dress a bit more fancy compared to your normal day-to-day wear (i.e. top and shorts), then a comfortable dress is definitely the way to go. What I liked about this particular maxi dress was that it had adjustable straps which could be fitted to my shape as well as a lovely fresh floral print complete with blue palm fronds and Hawaiian-esque flowers in a range of oranges and pinks.

There was also an included belt that I used to accentuate my waist and create a more fitted style. However this can also be removed and left as a loose fit dress as well. In addition, it also had a high split on the side of the dress which made walking that much more of a breeze.

All in all, I really thought that this maxi encapsulated a very easy-going summer-y vibe, perfect for this season. Not only are floral prints fun to wear, but they are a lot of fun to mix and match pieces with. I wore my dress with a denim jacket and my favourite open tan sandals. And of course a wide sunhat for sun protection!








Shine Bright Like a Sparkler

Courtesy of the aforementioned “Mexican Fiesta” at my friend’s 18th birthday party 🙂
sign off

Pockets A Plenty

The number one question I ask when looking for a potential pair of pants/shorts that may be coming home with me is, “do they have pockets?”

"With my hands in my pockets, and my pockets in my pants, all the little fishies to the fishy-wishy dance."

Seeing the fashion that is currently ‘in’, I am not very impressed. Namely, it is the length of denim shorts and the style of said shorts that I am starting to find common and way too short to leave anything to the imagination. Maybe it’s an inherent sense of my own bias speaking here, but unless you’ve got pin-like legs, and a bottom half that is in perfect ratio with the rest of your upper body, then it is impossibly hard to find shorts that are not only flattering but also practical.

Truthfully, I have indulged in buying several denim shorts over the years due to the fact that “they looked good on the model/hanger”, I needed some or they were on sale. However, the cut and fit is almost never exactly what they look like on the model as they are on me. And that’s a fact that I’ve accepted.

I have fairly stout legs, flat feet and a calf that is less than straight. So I do find it hard to wear shorts. And matching them with shoes as well! What a headache!

So recently, I’ve started looking for more wider cuts of shorts that flare out at the bottom or have a statement design to flatter my legs as well as ensuring maximum comfort when I’m out and about. I’ve also made sure to keep my eye out for potential items of clothing that I could wear to work in a corporate environment or just for a fancy day/night out.

So when I saw these shorts at Valleygirl, I was immediately drawn to them. Not only were they nicely designed and practical for everyday use (they had pockets! C’mon, like how could anyone resist pockets?), they were also on sale! Honestly my favourite word in any shopping situation!



Upon trying them on, I was immediately picturing what I could wear it with (while also admiring how they looked like a skirt but with the safety net of shorts). I loved the fact that they could be dressed up with some black heels or dressed down for a casual shopping day with flats or sandals. Along with that purchase, I bought a floral print top that is slightly sheer at the front and fully black in the back. The black undertones of the top matched perfectly with the shorts and I was quite surprised with how sophisticated the look was. Suffice to say, I was pleased with what I had put together.

In this, my first ever photoshoot, with the timer on my camera, I paired the top and bottom with a aqua-blue watch with gold outlining and a deep teal shoulder bag. I thought I would dress the outfit down a bit by wearing open tan-coloured sandals to convey the summer-vibes of the season. Loving the loungy style, I added an oversized black, white and maroon coloured knit which I thought was a nice addition to the pop of colour on the shirt. Plus, it’s a necessary, stylish addition to any outfit if the day is a bit chilly.

You probably don’t need me to tell you, but this has definitely been one of my favourite buys!





sign off

Ready, Set, Go!

And here we are, at the start of my very own blog! At this very moment, it feels as if I have no thoughts, yet also a million new ideas racing through my mind all at once. It’s a case of knowing what I want to say, but not knowing how to say it. So I’ll start with what is probably the most recent (and worthwhile to mention) memory that I have.

The road ahead is ‘thiiiis big’

So, recently, I went on a trip to the West Coast of America with my family, where we visited all the usual tourist places like San Francisco, the theme parks in LA and even the Grand Canyon. It was indeed a lovely, relaxing breather from the busy and stressful lifestyle I had lived while undertaking my final years at High School. It’s hard to believe, now that I look back on it, that all the knowledge I had accumulated over the past few years had basically been leading up to a single period of examinations that now seem so trivial and small in the grand scheme of things. For example, when will I ever again need to know how ‘belonging’ is represented in a text? The answer, I don’t.

Of course, while going through that period, I thought that what I was doing was a complete waste of my energy and time. It was simply just another reason for me to stress out about how ‘perfect’ my essay needed to be before I could hand it in, not even to get a mark that was worth anything, but to just be given advice on. Looking back on it now, I can finally laugh. I can breathe. In fact, I can see that there were indeed skills I had developed without even knowing. For instance, how to analyse a text or knowing how soap is made or even learning how everything in an economy is related. Though slow to acknowledge it, I actually came to enjoy the subjects I was studying and craved more knowledge (just without the exam part of it). And seriously, this yearning to learn more things and broaden my experiences and understanding of the world has only grown. Which made choosing a university course that much harder to do.

“What do you want to do when you grow up?” That was the question most of my relatives would ask whenever I saw them at annual Christmas dinners or at casual lunches. I still remember how I would reply, “my parents say I should be a lawyer, because I argue with them a lot,” or I would mention the dream I had of one day becoming the first female Prime Minister of Australia. Has wanting to become a lawyer changed? It certainly has. As do all decisions we make. They change as our view on things change. They are as fluid as the thoughts that run through our minds day and night. They can be, and will be influenced by any little thing. All I know now is, that I want to pursue a career within the business industry with a bit of psychology thrown on the side, or even a bit of medical science, and maybe information technology. But of course I can’t do all that (not all in one go anyway).

So here I am, about to start a Commerce/Law degree. The law part of it is there because my parents say it’ll help me to be more competitive come recruitment time. Is it something I had originally planned to do? The answer? No. During my final year of high school, I had even convinced myself that I wanted nothing to do with law.

Even now as I am older, I still ask myself a variation of the same question above. However, it’s no longer what I want to do when I grow up but what career will I pursue? Will it be successful? Will I be happy?

Having recently had to think about what university courses I wanted to do, I seriously pondered whether I was pursuing something that I wanted to do, or if I was just following that path because it was something that I thought would make my parents proud. Part of that university/future planning involved spending so much of my time and energy writing up applications, going to interviews, getting short-listed and basically making it to the final stage, before being told that I hadn’t been offered a spot i.e. rejection.

It’s hard to swallow; rejection. I would know. After putting in so much effort and really making everything ‘perfect’, of course it’s going to sap your energy and your spirits. But I’m slowly learning to see that really, “when one door closes, another opens.”  I thought I knew what I wanted to do while attending those interviews. I thought that with all the hard work I put in, it was bound to pay off. And sometimes your hard work will surprise you, and open up more possibilities that you might not have even considered before. Yet at the same time, what you thought would happen, might possibly not be your reality.

After really talking to my mum (who is my rock and my guide), she allowed me to see that it’s not the end. Everyday people get rejected from their dream job, or from something they thought they had a chance in. But it’s not the end. There are always other ways of getting there, as long as you put in the effort and keep moving forward and learn from your mistakes. Sure, it’ll take you a bit longer than originally planned, but the destination will be the same. And who knows, maybe along the way, you’ll learn a new language, meet new friends, gain some independence and come out a better person in the end. And maybe that’s just the outlook I have to take on now.

Even though I still want to learn everything possible, I’m also trying to remind myself to “never say no” to something until I’ve tried it. So I’m glad to say now, that I am in fact excited about going to uni and giving law a try. I’m going to do my best and even then, if I don’t like it, I can always change to something else. I’m an adult now, so no one can stop me, but me. I just need to keep an open mind and look at things from a wider perspective. The whole world is literally there for me to explore.

So I guess what I’m trying to say with this first blog post of mine (probably more to myself than anyone else), is that nothing will happen unless you make it happen. Don’t be afraid of trying new things, or thinking about what others might say. Give it your best shot and really look beyond what is there in just black and white, because there is so much more to see. All that’s left now, is simply a matter of saying “I’m ready, I’m set, so let’s go!”

sign off